Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cab Driver

It's rare that I find myself in a cab, but this weekend I accompanied some friends from Manhattan to Brooklyn in one of the city's many fine taxis. While we were dodging traffic at what might have seemed like excessive speed in less sophisticated parts of the world, one of said friends decided to strike up a conversation with the driver, and it wasn't long before he opened right up and started chatting away like there was no tomorrow. As soon as I mentioned that I was from Vermont, he started to describe in unexpectedly graphic detail how he used to have sex with this girl in Bennington, which segued nicely into a thorough account of every woman he had ever slept with and, occasionally, married. In the course of his life story, it dawned on me that my cab driver has impregnated more women than I have seen naked. I can't begin to count the number of levels on which I was unhappy about this.

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